Saturday, January 21, 2012

How to Make a Balloon Jester Hat, Sword and Belt

Kids love balloon sculptures such as hats, animals, wings and many others. These instructions will get you started on 3 different sculptures and are popular items at birthday parties. It is best to hire a professional for your party but if this is not possible these instructions will provide for your children


1 Pick 5 different colored twisting balloons. Inflate each of them with the pump leaving an unblown tail of about 5 inches at the end. Tie each of them off and set all but one aside.

2 Use that balloon for the hat base. Put it around a child’s head and twist the 2 ends together to form a circle that fits the child’s head.

3 Next take one of the remaining balloons and at the inflation end make a one inch bubble. This is done by moving one inch from end and pinching the balloon together to form a bubble. Then twist the bubble around the twist on the base balloon. Take another balloon and make a one inch bubble in it. Take the base and pinch it opposite the place where the other balloon it attached. Now twist the bubble around the base balloon to attach the balloon to the base.

4 Attach the other two balloons in like manner so that all 4 balloons are evenly spaced around the base of the hat. Twist the four balloons together about one third of the way up from the hat base. Then twist the balloons together again about two thirds of the way up from the hat base.

5 Inflate 4 water balloons and tie one on the tips of each of the four upright balloons. Bend the balloon tips outward.This completes the Jester Hat.

6 The Balloon Sword is simple to make and requires only one balloon. Take an inflated balloon and make a one inch bubble at the inflation end. Twist the bubble several times in one direction. Hold on to the bubble, go down 4 inches and fold it against the balloon. Pinch the balloon at that point and twist it and the bubble together to form a rough circle. Open the circle and poke the end of the balloon through the center leaving a larger circle at the end as a handle for the sword.

7 The Belt is the same as the hat base except it goes around the waist loose enough for the sword to be put between the belt and the waist.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Make Soap Bubbles for Your Children

Here is an easy and inexpensive way to entertain children on a warm summer day. It not only keeps them busy but exercises their bodies and their brains.


1 Obtain the necessary materials. Many of these items are sold at stores for around a dollar. Thrift Stores are also a possible source for them.

2 Put approximately 3 gallons of water in your container.

3 Add one half of a bottle of the liquid soap you bought.

4 Put the soap bottle out of reach of the children as it is toxic.

5 Watch the children so that no one falls into the container.

6 Put one of the nets in the water and remove slowly so there is soap film in the holes in the net.

7 Move the net though the air so the air passing through the holes in the net forms a bubble. It may take several tries to learn the best speed to the net.

8 Make sure the children stand away from each other so they do not get soap in their eyes

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

How to Have a Crazy Frumpy Hair Party

Here is a fun idea for a party or a sleep over. Have the girls come ready to have there hair done up crazy. Believe it or not this is a great idea for adults as well as kids.Some times girls just want to have fun.

1 Shop and purchase inexpensive hair combs so you can use a different one on each girl. Later you can send it home with them as part of their goodie bag.

2 Purchase colored hair spray of different color to use on the hair when you have styled it.

3 Style hair. Be prepared to do many crazy hair styles, using coated rubber bands and bobby pins, to hold the hair in place.

4 Select the color. Usually you can have several different ones to chose from, let the children pick their favorite.

5 Spray the hair. Make sure you are not going to get paint on anything other then their hair. A good idea is to have them use their hands to cover their face so that they do not breathe in the spray.

6 Air dry hair. Do not add loose glitter because it could go in the eyes and damage the eyes.

7 Have the guest make hair ribbons, head bands and other accessories that can be used on the hair. They are a great party give away and a fun craft project.

8 Prepare a doll beauty shop. Have them bring their dolls wash their hair and have the kids do to the doll's hair what you have done to their hair.

9 Make flowers to go in the hair, flower head bands, flower with ribbons, and netting, anything that adds fun to the activity.

10 Play games, hair curling contest, who has done the best hair on the dolls. The idea is to have fun.